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Path Press Publications is the publishing division of Path Press: a non-profit entity, which handles legal matters and holds the copyrights of all Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s writings together with writings of Ven. Bodhesako and Sister Vajirā. It was founded in Sri Lanka in 1987 by Ven. Bodhesako. Path Press was originally recognized as publisher of Clearing the Path but later became an entity with a small group of 5 bhikkhus and 3 layman (upāsakas) who are aspiring to make the late Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s teachings more available for those who are interested.

The principal aim of Path Press Publications is to make available in print the writings of the late Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera which, though of extraordinary quality and depth, do not—for different reasons—attract any of the established Budddhist publishers. It is presented with a deep sense of gratitude by individuals whose lives were significantly affected by an encounter with these writings, in the hope that others, too, might appreciate the right-view guidance which is offered therein. It cannot be expected that this material, which poses a clear challenge to the mainstream version of Buddhism, will gain any great popularity among the majority of Buddhists—Eastern or Western—but at least it can suggest an alternative approach to the Buddha’s original Teaching, and perhaps serve as a useful eye-opener for those seeking an understanding of its more fundamental principles. It can also communicate the attitude of earnestness towards Dhamma practice, which is regarded not merely as a matter of choice but rather an existential necessity. For without this basic attitude, the practice of Buddhist meditation will remain in the worldly sphere and will never be able to bear the fruits of noble insight leading to liberation from the ‘world’.